
Focus on Biodiversity

Apprentice Project Week 2024 at PLASTON

From August 5th to 9th, our annual apprentice project week took place, this year with a focus on biodiversity. This initiative offered our apprentices a unique opportunity to engage with nature, gain practical experience, and contribute to environmental protection.
Why Biodiversity?
Biodiversity encompasses the variety of life on Earth, including different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms, their genes, and the ecosystems they form. Protecting biodiversity is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and ensuring a sustainable future.
Therefore, throughout the week, our apprentices participated in various activities aimed at promoting and protecting biodiversity. They combated non-native plant species in Widnau, maintained gardens at PLASTON and BONECO AG, and supported local flora and fauna. A visit to the Naturschule in St. Gallen also provided them with deeper insights into the forest ecosystem.
Joint Development
The project week helped our apprentices develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues and the importance of biodiversity. By participating in these activities, they acquired new skills, fostered teamwork, and gained a greater appreciation for nature.